For the first piece of art I deemed it most appropriate to post the original photo that comprises the header of this site, unadulterated. This is a picture of one of the largest wolf spiders I have ever seen on the screen of the sliding glass doors that lead on to the deck where I typically write in the early mornings. I feel this image typifies the intersecting and interwoven nature of my project. And instead of being suspended on its web she is clinging to a man-made screen. The screen appeared analogous to The Grid, ever-present, and ready to be harnessed. I also considered for a moment how The Grid, or network of ley-lines that cover the earth comprises the original world-wide-web. Between the screen, glass, and inner room is a stained glass piece–a speculum of the spectrum and its visible beauty. The spider has been a sacred totem of various branches of Voudon representative of the Goddess and her ability to spread without boundaries, and is held as an omen of increased fortune and good luck. In this case the benefit was a two way endeavor because a few days later I found the same spider trapped between a storm window and loose screen on the opposite, east side of the house. It took some work but I was able to free her and let her loose. She has had the good sense not to return to these potential traps. May this roving grand dame of wolf spiders fare well!
All of these sketches are automatic drawings that were done in 1981, the same year as the Grid Sigil’s reception. These were all done in psychic collaboration with Fr. Chaos. At the top is Nyarlathotep, next Chthulu, followed by Shub Niggurath, and last Yog Sothoth.