During the course of my early explorations into Grid Sigil Magick I encountered the deity, Amoun Set Ra (the initials ASR bear an implicit and explicit connection with ASR Un’efer, thou whom no man hath see at any time, as mentioned in the Bornless One Ritual).
This invocation first appeared in one of the initial drafts of The Sacred Alignments entitled Liber Gradus, The Book of Magickal Velocity or Pace as I had originally envisioned the project. The reason I determined to omit this essay from the later editions was due to the fact that I initially looked upon it almost as a localized deity or famula, ie house god, as it was termed in early Roman culture.
But with time I’ve come to reconsider its significance on several registers and have come to see it as far less idiosyncratic than I first believed. Probably the most relevant aspect of the rite deals with a basic physical component. The gestures suggested in this invocation point toward a connection with the Grid I had not considered until recently. Amoun Set Ra is essentially the sun behind the sun or the shadow of the black sun’s penumbra. And when invoking this deity with arms crossed I sense there is a connection with the black cross of union of the elements, the black sun, and the central cross of the Grid and Aeonic Sigils. Then it occurred to me that after invoking Amoun Set Ra that it may prove useful to invoke the Grid using one’s arms to form the cross. The embodiment of the cross of union by the most basic and rudimentary method is always useful with our body, the viscera as the first line of intuitive interface with the connective tissue of the spirit and the shadow side of an awareness thereof. I am mentioning this here as worth bearing in mind when reading through that part of the following invocation reproduced below. Currently, I have found it useful to form the Grid Sigil after invoking ASR so that it becomes an act of embodying light and shadow conjoined thus entertaining both sides simultaneously with the body as the interzone or in-between span or bridge of the central cross(ing).
Originally I thought to edit and overhaul this invocation from the appendix of the early edition for contextual and cosmetic reasons. However, I have refrained from doing so as such a text is a statement of and by time, an icon imbued with the current it was initially encountered within. Also, when the first printing was done by Satanas Babalon Press it was a xeroxed book. The reproduction below is exactly how it appeared in the raw, no refinements. And as I contemplated editing this piece I realized that any alterations visual or content-wise would in certain respects strip it of its original kinetic or delivered energy.