The Sacred Alignments and Sigils is a book based on visionary magick precipitated by the discovery of the Grid Sigil. However, this tool is not just a sigil but a magickal device that occupies the overlap between symbol and sigil, an inter-realm, in the words of Herman Broch, to be more accurate. To say it is another depiction of the 4 elements suspended in time and space is not completely accurate.

Rather it is representative of the nascent root manifestation of the elements. The Grid Sigil is actually a tool bridging the gap between the aether or limited, and the limitless or KAOS. It may be used as a mandala for meditation or as a sigil (in Austin Osman Spare’s sense of the mechanism).
Much of this book tackles the Enochian system of John Dee and Edward Kelley’s discoveries. I had been working closely with this regimen when I received The Grid, however this is only one point of reference but a useful one. I had aligned myself with the Enochian and therefore it became revelatory and aided in expanding upon certain of the ramifications of the Grid Sigil. However, the Grid Sigil itself is not bound inextricably to this formal system of ritual magick and that is significant insofar as its applications are concerned. Many practitioners do not have an affinity with Dee’s system. However, that is not to say that those same aspirants may not be able to make full use of the Grid Sigil independently from the Enochian.
For a recent Interview about The Sacred Alignments and Sigils , September 2019, visit Thelema Now and listen to or download my discussion with Harper Feist.
For a concise overview of the magickal system of The Sacred Alignments I invite the reader to download and peruse these two articles that originally appeared in Starfire and The Fenris Wolf:
The Sacred Alignment and Sigils is now available in its current revised format directly from the publisher, North Atlantic Books as well as through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Booksamillion. For those in possession of the first edition it is worth bearing in mind that there have been subtle technical refinements made to the book concerning nomenclature and a number of expositions. The new index has been expanded rendering it a much more useful reference tool.
For me the revisionist process was important as I found the Grid Sigil and its underlying theories unpacking themselves for me yet again. This is significant as I have been at work on this method since 1981. I have subsequently returned to certain fundamental themes and principles repeatedly. I found that there is still much to be learned from this system. And it is precisely for this reason that I resisted making major emendations to the book. As it stands this text is a statement in time rendering it a distinct temporal hieroglyphic that circumscribes a field of inquiry not confined within the limits of a singular context.
For example, one of the variant practices outlined in the book is the concept of dowsing by means of a projected sigil. In traditional shamanistic and folk magic dowsing is often associated with using rods or a branch of a willow tree to divine and locate the presence of springs underground, for example. It recently occurred to me that dowsing may be useful in locating hidden springs of inspiration or energies within the self. Furthermore, in the book I discuss at length on how to use the Grid Sigil to tap into and harness the cords of power or ley lines that cover the earth. Since man is a little earth or tellura, as William Gilbert termed it, then why not use this sigil to locate lines of energy that run over our own flesh covered domains.
These are but a few new things that have come to mind in revising this current edition of The Sacred Alignments. And yet there is the figurative nature of aligning that is by far one of the most overlooked matters in our lives. The manner in which we align ourselves with others, with what we read, with art or music that appeals to us is significant. These associations may be sacred alignments if we deem them so and work with them in that light.
A notion crosses one’s thoughts. That intersection and reception may become a sacred cross-road. The most common of occurrences can be transformed into magical gates if we allow ourselves submit to and follow through on them as they arise making careful note of their appearance.
Here is the video of a talk I gave entitled: Enochian Magick and the Left Hand Path at the the International Left Hand Consortium in April of 2014. Also, I am including the link to a relatively detailed account and interview conducted by Greg Kaminsky with me also done in April of 2014 about the 1st edition of The Sacred Alignments and Dark Side of Sigils.
Concerning the illustrations of the 2nd revised edition, due to formatting and other concerns it was deemed necessary to work strictly with monochrome. Linda Falorio was a prime contributor of art-work to this edition. The Sacred Alignments and Sigils would not be the same book without her beautiful depictions to supplement and allude to certain key magickal concepts discussed therein. The black and white versions of her work, rather than detract from their wonderful visual impact, actually accentuate certain contrasts and shading. For those interested in viewing or obtaining full color prints of her important occult art work visit: